Ged Roberts

About  Me and My Journey

I passionately believe that most businesses can perform better than they are currently performing. But to perform better, most companies are missing two essential components. Firstly they don't have a Growth Operating System embedded in their businesses and secondly, they don't have a coach. No Olympic team ever won Gold without a coach so why do we think business is any different. 

I believe you can go further, faster with a coach.


I'm Ged Roberts

I am a CEO and Leadership Team coach based in Sydney Australia. I have been coaching High-EQ CEOs of fast growth companies since 2015. Over that time, I have coached hundreds of CEOs and Leadership Team members, showing them how to get what they want from their business. I am a Certified Metronomics Coach, my primary area of practice. I am also Outthinker Certified, a TopGrading Master Practitioner and a Certified DISC+ Assessor. 


My Story

Like many entrepreneurs, I fell into running businesses pretty much by chance. I was in the right place at the right time, and someone gave me a chance to run a business within a business. Now I didn't have the skills or experience to do the job, but they trusted me. I was sure I could learn, after all, I had been successful in everything I had done up until then. It couldn't be that hard surely!  

I came from an engineering background and some people thought I couldn't do it, they told me I didn't know anything about running a business and (at that time) they were right. I didn't have the extroverted and driven nature that many leaders I observed used so well; that just wasn't me. But I was a fanatical learner and had already transformed my career several times over; so I learned. Over the 4 years, I learned about how to run businesses and teams, how to read a P&L, how to budget and how to give both good and bad news.  

I grew that business from $8million to about $30 million in revenue organically and with acquisitions before I left to work in several start-ups. Some of these start-ups were successful, some not so much, and yet I learned so much more from the ones that were not so successful. Learning is, after all, best done from failure and reflection. 

About 10 years ago one of the start-ups I was part of was going through an acquisition, we were being acquired by a much bigger business and it was clear to me that they were not interested in my part of the business. As my business wasn't “core” for them they would shut my business down to focus on the core business; it wasn't a question of "if" but "when" so I reached out to a few people I had worked with previously to ask for ideas about what I could do next. A former colleague suggested that I should do what he was doing, Business Coaching. I didn't know really know what a business coach was at that time and I was curious to learn more. He introduced me to the coaching community he worked with and a few weeks later I was on a plane to the US to become a certified business coach.  

Now that was nearly 10 years ago (at the time of writing in 2024) and since then I have shown over 100 CEOs and their Leadership teams how to get what they want from their business and their lives with relative ease, speed and confidence.    It is never easy, but it can be easier, it is rarely fast, but it can be faster, and it is the confidence that will give you the willingness and desire to keep on going when the business or the team hits a roadblock. And you will hit road-blocks, that is for sure. 



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